Friday, September 16, 2005

Tubeboobular Adventure (River P.6)

We had braved the three foot water fall (well most us), taken countless leg dangling bathroom breaks, been chased by redneck river rats, dragged over yards of rock by Carl, and imagined names for our floating “tube city”. It had truly been a wonderful experience. As we neared the end we waved wildly at the other half of our group who had left an hour before us. We dragged our tubes out of the water and scuffled up the side of the bank. “OKAY! Jamie, Colton, and I will get the cars and be back in a minute”, said Carl. My half delusional state came to a screeching halt with the realization that I had left my keys in Carl’s Lexus…. at the top of the river…. seven miles away at the top of the river. It had never occurred to me that I would need to drive everyone back up until this moment. In a delirious state I smiled and said, “I left the keys in your Lexus”…. Everyone laughed and snickered…. I was serious. The very moment everyone realized I was not joking they all slowly backed away from Carl and I. In the distance I could hear the theme song form The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly playing. I braced myself and waited for whatever was to come…”Well lets walk up the road and see if we can get a ride at the gas station”, said Carl. It seemed that it just wasn’t my day to die after all.
We caught a ride with “Luke” a country boy who didn’t mind our wet asses on his leather seats. We tried to talk about cell phone reception but we did have some dead spots in the conversation. Once we got back down and loaded every one up, we headed back to our cabin.


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