Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Oral Trauma

They always told us that if we didn’t have anything nice to say then we shouldn’t say anything at all.
What a fucking load of submissive crap!
Tip toeing around subjects that might offend.
Accepting what is said so that you aren’t expelled from the very group that enslaves you.
Compromising who you are by keeping your mouth shut.
Don’t confuse respect with being acquiescent.
Life is in the irreverent and the defiant! I love a walking contradiction. When my human nature to label and categorize is mystified by a unique individual I feel inspired and alive. Never fear the things you say! Speak the words like some blunt force oral trauma smashing into the jaw of every societal standard, corrupting the core of the status quo. A Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C turbo charged two-stroke diesel engine wrapped in flesh and bone. YES!!! I crave the global voice of a modern generation. Ride the now massive silicon beast my friends naked and kick the door in on those slaves to conformity.
Give me the brutal reality!
Give me the skull fracturing truth!
Give me your impertinent words!
YEAH!!! Ha ha ha!!


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